Helen-Marie Fowkes

Larry Burchard
Board Member

Sage Mori
Board Member
Not pictured: Bruce Corbett, Board Member
Welcome Archery Enthusiasts! When it’s not hunting season, what do you do? We shoot indoors during the winter months and outdoors the rest of the year. Blending in a mix of competition, we host our main event in May, which is open to the public, known as our “River Animal Madness 3-D”. It packs in a ton of fun for all ages. See SCHEDULES for a complete list.
Our club has been in existence for over 30 years. We are a chartered club with National Field Archery Association (NFAA) and Nevada Bow Hunters Association (NBHA). Our membership numbers are the strength in supporting and protecting our archery hunting rights both State and Nation wide.
If you want to become part of it, and meet new people with the same interests as you, then become a Fallon Bowmen. For more information by email, click on the Presidents name above, we look forward to hearing from you!